VKA Induction Module: Reduce Risk During Initiation of VKA Agents

The initiation of VKA agents such as Warfarin, is a high risk period for patients in terms of bleeding and thromboembolic events.

This VKA Induction Module allows you to follow commonly used and published algorithms or alternatively, set your own induction algorithms.

Take a look at a video, outlining the VKA Induction Module below

Fully integrated into DAWN AC, the VKA induction module incorporates existing functionality, for example, list views, ad hoc reports, diaries, mail merge, graphing, security profiles and audit trails.

VKA Induction to Maintenance Transfer
Click image to enlarge

The DAWN AC VKA Induction Module is used by Glasgow & Clyde Anticoagulation Service – Group Induction & Education Process

When the patient is stable in terms of maintenance dose, they are transferred without any rekeying, to the DAWN AC maintenance module.

  • Enable protocol driven care
  • Ensure all information is in one place
  • Track adherence and patient feedback
  • Track side-effects and bleeding/thrombosis
  • Improve consistency of dosing practices
  • Increase patient safety and reduce clinical risk
  • Increase productivity and efficiency gains



“DAWN provides an effective management system for our large anticoagulant patient database. It allows the management of patients efficiently and easily”

Stockport NHS Foundation Trust